
Thursday, September 17, 2020

New school, same focus

 It has become so prevalent this new age home schooling. I hear my friends say how difficult they find the new situation they have been placed into, because of the pandemic. But, to me the main focus continues to be the well being of our children. 

When I first began to homeschool my children. I knew absolutely zero. I casually knew some church friends who were homeschooling. But, not in depth and certainly not first hand. However, I knew this, that I wanted the best for my children and I knew I didn’t want to send my 6th grader to public school any longer. 

My decision was based more on the actual school campus and how things were handled at that particular middle school. I had inner knowledge of this particular campus. Because I had worked there. I felt my child was still not done being a child and even though adolescence was coming and her body was changing. I knew that her mind was still on younger minded things and activities. One could argue I was protecting her Or shielding her from the rawness of middle school. 

It was a consciences only a mother can possess. I knew my child. I knew her fragile ego and her timidity would not fair well in a place that tends to foster harshness and false sense of self. Most teens spend these formative years trying to compete or impress their peers. 

I wanted to encourage and foster a place where she could blossom into a young adult without fear or insecurity. I think I accomplished that. I’m proud of my choice to home school my children. I’m glad that I was embraced by other home school families. I thank the Lord for leading and guiding me through those 8years. 

It truly was the best choice for my family. I know home schooling isn’t for every family. Some times the dynamics make it impossible. But, for those that do. Even  with all the trials and misgivings. I wouldn’t have traded my decision. Those years keep my heart full of happiness. I think back to that time spent with my two children and I’m grateful. I’m grate for those Park days. For the science fairs and relay races. For museum tours on Thursday’s and Coffee shops and books on rainy days. It was bliss. I know my children loved this time too. They tell me. They remind me. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 Hello everyone. I’m going to reignite this passion of writing and sharing my art. I hope you find my blog encouraging and peaceful. My sole intention is to inspire others to be kind and chose happy. 

I recently began to take my art more seriously. By method of just creating more. I make cards. Period. And all that entails. Markers, colors, pencils, scissors, glue. You name it I probably got it. I leave you today with my most recent creations.